Give your supporters a way to say thank you

Join Gahweni and start receiving support from your audience!

Start accepting money

Create, customize and share your own page to start receiving donations and personal messages from your supporters.

Gahweni is the best platform to give a chance for your audience to say thank you!

Frequently asked questions

What is Gahweni?

Gahweni is a platform that enables you to accept donations from your fans with low fees!

You can use Gahweni to create your own personal page, similar to social media profiles, where your fans can send you donations (approximately the price of a cup of coffee or more) wrapped with a nice message. The donations will be shown on your profile page.

How will I get paid?

You can request to withdraw your earnings when you surpass the minimum required amount (100 SAR), which should take no longer than 5 business days.

Is this service free?

We offer a completely free service with no monthly fees or hidden fees for everyone. Our revenue model involves a 1 SAR + 5% transaction fee upon withdrawal, with creators retaining 95% of their earnings. Our income is directly tied to your success.

What are the available payment methods?

Most use any of the most common payment methods in Saudi Arabia, You can support your favorite creator using your debit card, visa, Apple Pay, or STC PAY.

Who uses Gahweni?

Anyone with an audience can use Gahweni! Youtubers, streamers, podcasters, writers, musicians and many more. If you have an audience, Gahweni will help you with earning an income.

And if you're looking to support a content creator, you don't even need to sign up! (although we highly encourage you to do so, so you can create your own account and customize your own profile 😎)

How much is the coffee worth in Saudi Riyals?

Every cup of coffee is worth 10 SAR

Who is behind this project? Is my money safe?

Rest assured, Gahewni is a registered trademark in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the Commercial Registration Number 2051249285. Our team consists of many IT specialists working from all around Saudi Arabia to ensure the best customer experience for our users. 😊

Start your free page now!

Receive payments from all your fans.